Monday, 25 June 2012

Mariachi amigo

I got bored of making pretty cakes and pretty dolls, so I made this guy.

I started with the idea of making a little man with a giant moustache. Then it was obvious he also needed a sombrero and a guitar and a vest. A mariachi is born!

Monday, 18 June 2012

How to: Donut

How to make a strawberry donut:

1. Cut out felt pieces:
- 2x tan rings for donut
- 1x pink icing ring

2. Stitch icing onto donut.

3. Sew on sprinkles.

4. Close and stuff donut.

5. Finished! Now for more donuts!

Monday, 11 June 2012


Hooray! She's so cute!

She's not too hard to make, but there are a lot of little felt pieces to assemble.

Babushka template

Sunday, 10 June 2012

More mousse cakes

This week I've been working on refining my mousse cakes. I'm improved the shape so now they look more like mousse and less like pudgy pudding. My favourite is the kiwi, it looks awesome!

I've had enough of cakes for now, so I'm going to move on to making dolls. At some stage I'll put up some tips for making fruit decorations.

More mousse cakes
Choc strawberry mousse cake
Blueberry mousse cake
Kiwi mousse cake

Saturday, 2 June 2012

How to: Blueberry mousse cake

I've finally got time to start making felty things!

For my first project, I have decided to make some cakes. I don't think they'll sell very well, but I just really wanted to make some.

Blueberry mousse cake

This is a blueberry mousse cake based on tutes I found on the internet. It's a little wobbly, but my next couple will probably look better once I learn how to sew better and figure out the best measurements for the felt pieces.

Here's a couple of basic tips if you want to try making your own:

1. Cut out the pieces of felt you need:
- 1x raspberry circle (around 8cm diameter) for jelly top
- 1x dark brown circle for chocolate base
- 26cm x 6cm light pink strip
- 26cm x 1cm dark brown strip

2. Sew the brown strip onto the bottom of the pink strip.
3. Sew the top of the pink strip onto the raspberry circle.
4. Sew the ends of the pink strip together.
5. Stuff the cake and sew on the brown circle to seal.

6. Decorate!